About Us
For over 50 years, National Trust Tours has been offering life enriching programs that explore the traditions and cultures of the world, placing a special emphasis on the roles of art and architecture. Dynamic tour leaders, professional staff, small group sizes and unattainable experiences on your own are our hallmarks. With more than 100 programs from which to choose, there is a National Trust Tour with your name on it! National Trust Tours is a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Meg Annacone Poretz
Meg has been with National Trust Tours for almost 25 years and oversees the day-to-day activities of the office. She directs priorities, develops all aspects of marketing pieces, works with tour operators, product development and strategic direction. She earned a Master of Tourism Administration from The George Washington University’s School of Business.

Lisa Turgeon-Williams
Lisa has been with National Trust Tours for over 20 years and is responsible for developing the Tours website and marketing images, working with tour operators, and Trust offices on operational issues. She plays a major role in customer relations. Lisa assists in development of major marketing materials, day-to-day activities of the office and coordinates our Trust tour representatives and Study Leaders.

Scott Gerloff
A veteran of the travel industry for over 30 years, Scott led National Trust Tours for 15 years and was responsible for driving major growth in the program, developing marketing strategies, serving as the main spokesperson, structuring and managing business relations and overseeing the financial aspects of the business. We are thrilled to have his continued expertise and support as an advisor.

Steven Oudshoorn
Steven has been with National Trust Tours for over 16 years. Steven handles the vast majority of customer calls and bookings, manages our Viatours data base for multiple purposes, retains the financial tracking on a weekly basis and serves as the office manager with all that entails.
Mary Werner DeNadai
Architect & Trustee Emerita of The National Trust for Historic Preservation
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